Everyone makes mistakes. Professional does not equal perfect. © БВАХАХАХАХАХА!!! Классика жанра, блин х))) Могли бы хоть что-то пооригнальнее придумать себе в оправдание, чем эта набившая оскомину фраза и обвинение в переходе на личности. И ведь никого не назвала слабоумным или уродом, всего лишь написала, что при всем желании не смогу назвать такое отношение профессиональным
В общем, до свидания, petadoptables.com. Потроллю еще админов немножко и закрою аккаунт на бессрочный отпуск.
You have been banned from posting in this thread. Reason: Personal attacks.
Ржунимагу! Какие, однако, нежные фиялки в этой школоло администрации ))) Хорошо, что ФФ сохранило потертое в кэше, выложу на память прекрасное (моя чехарда с временами сохранена - хрен с ней).
читать дальшеEnchie:My PM inbox is empty, I didn't recieve any notifications And I did not want all these hundreds of eggs to hatchle. So thanks for spoiling my reserves *facepalm*
I said mass e-mail, not mass PM.
Yes, I understood that later, but I got no messages via e-mail either. E-mail in profile is correct, I remember recieving news from PA before. Not this time. And "dropping the ball", as Bob wrote, is just epic. Sorry, but I couldn't call such attitude professional even if I wanted to.
I don't understand what any of this has to do with Emma's attitude. I didn't see any unprofessionalism on her part at all. I am not sure why you are getting personal over this. Is there some history here that I am unaware of?
Anyway, we keep track of all e-mails that are sent to members, and we did send out a mass e-mail regarding this change. It’s not our fault if you didn’t receive the e-mail. We practiced due diligence in this case. Although I wanted an official news post to be posted a few days before this new feature was set to start, we did make other attempts to inform all members of the changes. I am not sure what else you expected us to do.
Again, I see no reason for this to get personal.
I did send out a mass e-mail which went into great detail on how to manage this feature before it went live. In addition, I also mentioned this three times in the ShoutBox and through forum post.
There are lots of different aspects of managing PA - something came up on the forums, and I forgot about the news post. Everyone makes mistakes. Professional does not equal perfect.
I honestly don't understand your condescending comments.
This is called critics and has nothing to do with getting personal. I didn’t call anyone stupid or ugly, did I? I didn’t use “hamburger” format for my critics, because I see, that it’s not effective here, unfortunately. I did point out that there are things that are wrong in your current activity. Let’s skip missing e-mails, it really could be external problem.
“Everyone makes mistakes. Professional does not equal perfect”. I could agree, but please, don’t make this sentence your living credo – employers really don’t like that. If it’s hard to keep up for all the tasks, making notes should help to escape further mistakes.
As you say, the new feature was mentioned in forums several times. OK, but have you discussed that with users properly? I guess, the on/off status wasn’t discussed at all, and that is the biggest pain, I think. It’s summer outside, people! Lot’s of users are on vacation, how are they supposed to read forums and switch the feature off in order to prevent unfrozen eggs from growing? It’s a common practice to implement such features switched off.
You may call me condescending if you want, I’m not vulnerable. But if you keep up like this, you’ll definitely ruin all your good undertakings, and that would be really sad.
The end Да, кстати, новостной пост за 14-е число внезапно "дополнен" инфой про сегодняшнее нововведение